Be Still! – Body and Mind, Spending Time with Ke Akua

“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in  the earth!”

Psalms 46:10 NKJV

In my younger days I was a go getter. Working an average of 100 hours per week was  commonplace. I suppose that is normal these days when I look around me and see  others working two or three jobs, putting in astronomical overtime and doing side hustles  whenever they come available. I have known many self-employed business people  literally live and breathe work.

Although work is an important aspect of life, it is not the whole enchilada. Time needs to  be set aside just for Ke Akua. Too many times in the past I spent my time acquiring  leaving God to be low on the totem pole. He can wait as I have bills to pay. I have since  changed this thinking a lot. I learned that being still gives me dedicated time with Him  which yields an inner peace and fulfillment. Time with Him now comes first. Everything  else can wait.

Although juggling work and family is important, consistently setting time aside to being  still and focusing on Him is the most important. You will find an inner peace and a sense of fulfillment when you be still and focus on Him that goes beyond your daily bump and grind.

by Kent Brosh a Kawaiaha’o Blog Contributor

Alberta, Canada

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