I often relate my past experiences to what God teaches me through the Bible and the Holy Spirit. Many times, I marvel the connection between what I know to what God does.
I remember an old Vice Principal of mine telling me the essence of what a good Teacher does. A good teacher must deal with the behaviors BEFORE the student can be educated. They need to sit and learn, stop fighting and acting out and receive and accept counselling on how to deal with their challenges. I related that to my situation with Christ. I really couldn’t learn from Him until I realized by destructive behaviors made learning impossible. I was stubborn, filled with pride, materialistic, focused on the drama of the world, lied, judgmental, sometimes hypocritical, selfish, unforgiving and pushy. It was only when I realized my ways through feeling completely empty that I repented to God. Just like a student, no one could do this except me. It was when I felt so much shame on how I was behaving that I decided to change. I remember my prayer that day. With head down in shame, I was telling the LORD what a fool I have been. I told Him how ashamed I am of myself and asked for forgiveness. I said I would understand if I am unforgiven because I am really unworthy after the way I have behaved. The response I received was profound. It was like God gave me a big hug. I have not looked back since. You know, even though I need not feel shame, I still do sometimes. I suppose it is just humility at this point. Now, I want to learn from Him and He doesn’t disappoint.
Yes, what I learned as a teacher really does apply to how God handled me.
by Kent Brosh a Kawaiaha’o Blog Contributor
Alberta, Canada