Shut Up and Listen! – Prayer, Truth

“Be careful about anything that you do in the temple. Listen well when you
worship God. Some fools go to the temple and give sacrifices to God. But
they do it for the wrong reasons. They do not know that they have done a wrong
thing! You should think before you speak. You should think before you promise
something to God. God is in heaven and he knows you well. You are here on the
earth. And you do not see as much as God sees. Do not say to God more than
you have to say.”
Ecclesiastes 5:1-2 EASY
I think the greatest change in me when I got closer to God is to shut up and
listen! I am only 56 and God is how old? I have broken many promises to God
and He has broken none. It’s me that needs to apologize and ask for forgiveness,
not Him. God sees everything, I see little and that’s even when I put on my
I think the first ask during prayer to God when I finally took Him seriously was to
please show me the truth. He has and continues to answer this prayer in spades. I
learned I needed to completely change my thinking to know the truth. I have
been sucked into a world filled with everyone’s opinions through Facebook,
Twitter and a host of other Social Media and Media in general. Heck, I can even
throw my opinions in the mix with my own accounts too to add to the swirl.
How can one decipher the truth with everyone’s opinions swirling around me? God
is in Heaven with infinite wisdom and I’m listening to the words of a musician,
political leader, Facebook influencer, and popular religious leader to get the
truth? Now, I have the Bible first and foremost. I use other tools like reputable
sources but always check their information with scripture. You will be amazed
at what deceptions I have uncovered doing it this way. You will also be amazed
over what truth I uncovered that I thought was bogus.
Focus on people and you will garner the truth, not your truth. The Bible and the
Holy Spirit will lead the way. You simply just have to follow.

by Kent Brosh a Kawaiaha’o Blog Contributor

Alberta, Canada

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