Dilemmas – Reflection, Love

“You husbands must also live in a good way with your wives. Each of you should
be kind to his wife and help her. Remember that she is not as strong as you are.
Remember that both of you have received true life from God because he is
kind. So, respect her. Then God will answer you when you pray to him.”
1 Peter 3:7 EASY
I always wondered why it took so long for God to answer my prayers when I
asked him what I should do with my now ex-wife. I wanted to take divorce
seriously. Should I continue to try even though I am so unhappy? Does my
happiness even matter? Am I being selfish? I know God takes divorce very
seriously and really needed His advice. If I must remain unhappy but serve God, I
remain unhappy.
Finally, there were a series of events that happened to give me an answer. One
of the main answers came like this. I moved out and stayed with my mom and
dad. I needed time to really think about what to do. I really needed God to drive me
and was just not getting a response. At least I felt I wasn’t getting a response
when really I was. I was just not listening. After a few months, it was my now
ex-wife who filed for divorce. Since it was she (instead of I) that started the legal
process, I received my answer. It really was God’s way to take this most difficult
dilemma out of my hands.
I think the reason why I got a response is that I truly wanted his guidance
and would continue trying or remain unhappy if that’s His Will. It really wasn’t
about me entirely (but partly because I was unhappy). I suppose the motives I
had that I saw were unselfishly resulting in God responding. I think if there was

any hint of selfishness, God would not have helped me come to an answer.

by Kent Brosh a Kawaiaha’o Blog Contributor

Alberta, Canada

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